Saturday, January 19, 2013


As I have posted recently, I have opted to take some much needed time off from running to do a little healing.  I have had a foot injury on my left foot since Cactus Rose in October 2012.  Like a true runner, I figured it would heal quicker if I kept my exact same routine of 20+ mile runs and high mileage weeks.  Since completing Cactus Rose, I've run a 50K and had a 40 mile pacing gig, as well as many 20+ mile long runs.  Surely, that was the remedy to cure any aches and pains.  Right???  If you've ever gone to the doctor for a running injury, their first recommendation is every runner's worst nightmare.........."Time off!".  Such unspeakable words.  They flow off my tongue like sour milk.  What do doctors know anyway?  They just have a degree in medicine.  Most are not runners.  Surely, they don't know what they are talking about.

Well, after months of my foot injury not getting better, I actually took a big step and made an appointment to see a podiatrist.  I also took an even bigger step and decided to not run a step for at least 2 1/2 weeks, leading up to my appointment.  That decision didn't come lightly, but I decided to act like a real adult and make a practical decision.

I have learned that most runners probably do not realize how much time they spend running until they stop doing it.  That is the situation I'm in now.  I don't know what to do with myself.  I still bike some, I do things around the house that I probably would have put off b/c of my running, I watch TV, etc...  But when I walk outside and see a cool, sunny day in front of me, the only thing on my mind is hitting some trails.  It is a mentally torturous situation.  Now I know this is not a big deal, but in a way it is.  When something has become such a huge part of your existence, and you stop doing it "cold turkey", it knocks you off balance.  That's where I am balance.

I know I will run again soon, and hopefully, this little hiatus I am on will let my foot heal and feel better before I even get to the doctor.  That would be the perfect scenario.  But, until that time, I will continue the life of a lost and bored non-runner.  Hopefully, I'll be back soon.

Run on friends,



1 comment:

  1. Lane, I reluctantly offer these words of encouragement. Think of me not as an antagonist, but as an example. My Achilles tendinitis sidelined me for 7 months. When I say sidelined, I couldn't even carry my baby up our staircase in our home. I maintained my psychology with reading and weight lifting, I returned to running this month and honestly it was as though I was never injured. It was not easy but nothing worth doing ever is. Treat your down as part of your training. Much like pacing for an ultra, pace to return to that ultra. Death begets life, so does rest beget strength.
